About The Project


Water is one of the most essential element of any kind of life on earth and in both quality and quantity we are facing a difficult period in the coming decades. The demand for water is increasing which unpleasant fact is recognized even by world leaders. This led to serious and strict commitments at the Paris Climate Change Conference in December 2015 and in April 2016. The climate agenda clearly states that climate change threatens to undermine the ability of countries to achieve sustainable development. Similarly, water is a cross-cutting issue hat affects all aspects of development, including health, food security, economic development, ecosystem services and biodiversity.

Our aim

As teachers we cannot sit back and watch the future of water passively, we have to be proactive in its preservation for the upcoming generations. The most influential way we can act is to create a meaningful educational program/project that educates students about its strategic role in life. We aim to create a multidisciplinary and hands-on approach to teaching that can only be achieved when discovering the various fields of educational areas that our partners can offer based on their special skills/expertise.

Who takes part in the project

International teamwork is needed to comprehend how water appears at each participants’ region. In total there are five schools from five different countries participating in this project. The coordinating school is the
J. V. Jirsík's gymnasium from the Czech republic. Each event has a different set of students from every school.
